Welcome to the Wing-Off cooks page


Cooking information

KEY INFORMATION FOR COOKS:Store food at 41F or below Prepare food at the event as much as possible Don't handle raw food directly Use gloves when cooking and handle food with tongs, or other clean utensils not having been in contact with raw food.Bring multiple sets of tongs to ensure plenty of clean utensils for replacement multiple times during the event.Thoroughly clean or replace tongs after contact with raw chicken to prevent cross-contamination. Ensure chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165F. Verify proper operation of thermometers. An ice bath can be used to verify temperature reading of 32F. Do not participate in cooking should you become ill. Bring a bleach bucket and rinse bucket (recommended) A bleach bucket is a tub capable of holding a gallon of water mixed with one teaspoon of bleach used to sanitize utensils.

RECOMMENDED ITEMS: A cooking platform/s of your choice (propane/briquette/pellet Grill, Smoker, Hibachi, Dutch oven, etc.). NOTE: It is each cook's responsibility to safely contain AND remove any and all cooking materials such as briquettes, fryer oil, trash, etc. from the event. Park personnel will be available for trash removal for most of the event, however removal of any remaining trash or materials, including damaged canopies, is the responsibility of each cook/team. ANY damage to park grounds resulting from improper management of cooking or other materials is the financial responsibility of the responsible cooking team.
In some cases oil / fat collection containers may be available for used cooking oil, however this is not guaranteed. Any team using cooking oil should accommodate for oil removal. NOTE: If using a fryer, sufficient air space MUST exist between the fryer and the park grounds to insure NO scorching/discoloration of park grass. Any damage to park sod is the sole responsibility of the cook/team to resolve with the Meridian Parks Dept. It is strongly recommended that at least 12" of clearance exists between the bottom of the fryer and the park grounds to prevent sod damage.
Portable generators are allowed at the park for grills requiring electricity. Park electricity is not available for grills as it is dedicated to other equipment, nor is it in proximity of grilling areas. Gloves are required for cooking and food handling per Central District Health.